Welcome to Mag World Association

Uniting independent magazine publishers in sharing and learning best practices.

Our members are at the heart of what we do. Many of our members work solo or with very few staff in their business.  But while owning your own business has some great advantages, there can be many downsides.

Do you:-

  • Feel alone in your business?
  • Have nobody to communicate with and run ideas past?
  • Sometimes suffer from a lack of motivation?
  • Feel unproductive yet still have so much to do?
  • Find it difficult to manage and maintain accountability?
  • Lack enough free time for yourself and your family?
  • Struggle to find new suppliers or learn new skills?
  • Lack the solutions to plug the gaps in your business?
  • Sometimes feel stressed and inundated?

FREE Facebook Group

As a magazine publisher you will find this group invaluable and wonder why you have not found us sooner! Its completely FREE and open to magazine publishers only.
Our private Facebook page is a safe and friendly environment where members can ask a questions at any time, requesting support, help or advice on a difficult subject. It is a great sounding platform and totally free to join for all magazine publishers.

Magazine Publishers Directory

Our national directory of over over 300 magazine publications allows you to showcase your publications to national buyers of retail chains, corporates, franchises and marketing agencies. Don’t miss out on the opportunity for a one stop place for national buyers to be able to find you. Collectively we have a reach of over 4 million readers.

Publishers Community

We are responsible publishers ourselves and we bring a whole community
of magazine publishers together in the following ways:

  • A private Facebook group
  • Regular virtual online meetings
  • Face to face conferences
  • Ad hoc local group meetings
  • Resources & content centre

Monthly Content & Resource Centre

Members can access monthly content and a central resources system and download example documents and templates covering all areas of your business including:

  • Company documents
  • Distribution
  • Charity & Not for Profits
  • Marketing & advertising
  • Monthly Content
  • Revenue generating articles

Business Owners

Like us, our Mag World members are independent business owners with numerous magazine titles.

Key Reasons To Join

Magazine Publishers Directory
Showcase your publications to help media buyers find you.

Online Business Growth Conferences.

Meetings focused on increasing sales coupled with current topical subjects. Invest just 90 minutes of your time to learn some golden nuggets to help your business move forward. FREE for paid members (value £120 PA).

Editors Page

This can be highly challenging and members find this solution invaluable! You can copy and paste to save time, edit as necessary or just use for inspiration to write your own!

Revenue Generating Articles

Monthly articles on topics such as property, finance, interiors, health etc. Sell to new advertisers to gain additional revenues or offer as a reward, free to existing loyal customers? Just 2 articles sold in a year will pay your annual subscription! At Local Directory Magazines we generate an average of £500 additional revenue PER MONTH. It really is that easy.

Monthly Content

Recipe, puzzles, book review, celebrity article. Other articles included cover nature, gardening and more. Use as regular content or one off fillers.

Full Resources Library

Over 100 templates to make life easier in all areas of business including Sales, Staffing & Recruitment, Distribution, Charity & Not For Profit, Marketing, Finance and more.

Don’t reinvent the wheel – save time by searching our library and find templates and documents you need in your business.

Commission you own bespoke FREE Features articles.

Save a minimum of £40 – £80 on each face to face conference ticket, as well as other discounts and benefits.

Other services available include a one to one consultancy service for your publishing business with special rates for members.

We guarantee your fees will be recouped if you take our advice!

Join our Facebook group for FREE – search Mag World Share & Learn on FB

Network of support & access To Other Services at discounted rates.

Mag World Association Conference Photographs

Mag World Association

offers 1-2-1 consultancy.

Let’s work together

Book a free 30 minute consultation to see what areas of your business we can help you with.