Affiliated Services

Our mantra is always to drive business efficiency, automation and best practices to make more time for ourselves, make more money or both! Customer centricity is core to running any business and the tools below help with driving this mantra.

Please note the below are all provided by third party companies.

Magazine Management Software

The software we use for our magazine management is second to none and it combines the best in both flat plan and magazine management software, making it the complete package for magazine publishers. Its crystal clear and natural layouts mean your magazines look as good on screen as they do on paper. And its super-responsive and flexible features mean it’s easy to stay in full control of your business. This software has many other features such as a fully integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool as well as the ability to be able to publish your magazines directly from this software.

Tracking Distribution Software

Delivering magazines and leaflets through homeowner’s letterboxes takes considerable management. Even in the set-up, you need to take on distribution personnel, book in products to be delivered, map the areas you go to, and provide each team member with clear instructions. But no matter how well planned, how do you know that the distributor actually did what you asked them to? Even the best distributors make mistakes, and when you run a large team there are going to be doubts about the reliability of one or two members.

The tracking system we use not only tracks the movements of our 145 strong distribution team every four seconds via a free app on their smartphones but also takes care of all the pre-delivery preparation work. Using GPS tracking gives you a time-stamped record of each house that has been visited. This proof of delivery is the ultimate reassurance for your customers that they’ll get what they pay for, and that means you can win more business at a higher rate.

Copywriters & Proof-readers

If you need to commission a particular article on a topic of your choice or you just need copy for your editor’s page, our copywriters can help.  You may also need someone to proof your publications before print, we can put you in touch with the right professionals.

Printing & Design Service

Our contact can take care of all your print needs and has had a wealth of experience running a leading magazine printing company for over 10 years.  He runs his own magazines as well as managing the print and design for a large number of local publications throughout the UK.  He offers bespoke printing and design solutions to publishers and can help with any specific requirements you have. He is supported by an in-house pre-press team so can check the files prior to print and deal with any artwork queries.  The print is then fully managed throughout the production process and delivered to the place of your choice. He will go through with you exactly what you need in terms of delivery and make sure it happens for every edition.

Other Suppliers

We have a number of other contacts in the areas of business below. Our contacts list is endless.

  • Website designers
  • Social media experts
  • Digital marketing companies
  • Accountants
  • Bookkeepers
  • Solicitors
  • Insurance brokers
  • HR companies
  • Freelance graphic designers
  • Coaches
  • Sales Trainers

Click the Button below for us to get in touch with you and provide you with more information.

Mag World

Uniting independent magazine publishers, Mag World Association was established in 2016. Our mantra is focused on customer centricity by driving business efficiency, automation and best practices. Join us to see how we can help make a difference in your Mag World.