Magazine Publishers Directory

What is the Directory listing for?

The Directory is a free service for all media buyers and is a gateway to finding powerful, local advertising that delivers results for brands. As Mag World Association members your publications will all be featured on this site.

See This allows you to showcase all your publications.

How will this listing benefit me as a publisher?

Potential buyers of print media will be able to contact you directly and place a booking with you. Just a couple of full-page adverts per year will more than pay for membership!

Why would a media buyer want to use this service?

The hyper-local sector of print media is thriving and became especially relevant when the Covid pandemic changed the way we all live and work.

You must ask why? The answer lies in our proximity to our market. We are the community.

That is what makes our magazines a powerful advertising platform and that is why our sector has posted such impressive growth. Media buyers need us.

How will media buyers be made aware of the Mag World Association service?

We have a list of media buyers including franchises, head offices for national brands, media agencies and regional brands. We will also continually research online to add to our database.

We will be targeting all media buyers periodically via email marketing campaigns making them aware of the Directory site offering at

When a media buyer visits our Directory site, they will need to complete some details before being able to have access to the Directory. We will use this information to build our database.

Can I forward contacts of media buyers to Mag World?

Yes absolutely. We will rely upon our members and contacts to feed this information to us also.

When a current media buyer books advertising with you and requests similar publications out of your area, you will be able to give them the Directory listings website

Resources Centre 

 What is the Resources Centre?

Full Resources Library – over 100 templates to make life easier in all areas of business including Sales, Staffing & Recruitment, Distribution, Charity & Not For Profit, Marketing, Finance and more.  Don’t reinvent the wheel – save time by searching our library and find templates and documents you need in your business.

See for more details.

Naturally, members can contribute templates and documents if they wish to do so.


Access To Resources & Magazine Content For Members

To access our resources and magazines centre please go to:

Ensure that you are signed into your account.  Click on Members Area tab.

You will see a drop down with 6 options for resources and content select what you require.

If you do not see the dropdown list it means that you are not signed in.

If you are not a member and want to see an example of the content we provide on a monthly basis, please go the Diamond Club tab, on the drop down click the Example monthly content tab.

Monthly Content

What type of Monthly Content will you be providing?

Editors Page – This can be highly challenging and members find this solution invaluable!  You can copy and paste, edit as necessary or just use for inspiration to write your own!  Saves time, especially at deadline time!

Monthly Content – recipe, puzzles, sudoku, word search, crossword, kids page, book review, celebrity article. Other articles included cover nature, gardening, foods, health and more. Use as regular content or one off fillers.

Revenue Generating Articles – monthly articles on topics such as property, finance, interiors, health etc. Sell to new advertisers to gain additional revenues or offer as a reward, free to existing loyal customers? Just two articles sold in a year will pay your annual subscription!  At Local Directory Magazines we generate an average of £500 additional revenue PER MONTH.  It really is that easy.

See for example content. You can either simply copy and paste it into your magazines, rehash the text and images to suit your publication or just draw inspiration from the content to design your own.

Members are welcome to contribute content.

How will the monthly content be organised?

Our monthly content is organised by a 3 month period, current month, last month and month coming. As the months roll forward the content will be filed into folders labelled, for example, Senior Care, Shop Local, Covid-19, Nature, etc.

We also have a very useful search facility for the whole catalogue of all articles and content on our site.  To find an article or content on a particular subject just hit the search button and type for example: Dentist or Dental, Gardens or Gardening, Kids or Children’s page, Recipe, Book Review and so on.  All articles or content with the text search entered will be visible to you instantly so you can review and select.

Content Format

We provide our content in the following formats:

  • JPG Format – this is low res and mainly for our display purposes only.
  • PDF Format – this hi-resolution pdf is the one to use.  Simply drop this file into your A5 magazine.
  • Text & Images – use these files to redesign the article to your own style/house colours.
  • InDesign File – if you are using Adobe InDesign you can edit/design as you wish using this file.


Business Growth Online Conferences Included

Online Business Growth Conferences. Meetings focused on increasing sales coupled with current topical subjects. Invest just 90 minutes of your time to learn some golden nuggets to help your business move forward. FREE for paid members (value £120 PA).

Will Online Business Growth Conferences be chargeable?

Mag World Association Business Growth conferences will be FREE to all members. Occasionally we will run a conference which may be free for all to attend (members and non-members).

Do I get discounts for attending face to face conferences?

All members will benefit from at least £40 off per ticket for each face to face conference. Often as much as £80 off will be available to members for an early bird time restricted period.  For any discounts on event tickets, members need to be Diamond Club paid members at the time of booking the event and at the item of the event taking place.

Managing My Account

  • Log into your account on
  • Top right drop down under your username select Account Details.
  • Across the middle of the page there is an 8 point menu from My Listings to Logout.
  • Clicking on the My Listings tab you can Add a New Magazine Listing, edit unpublish, duplicate or delete your current listings.
  • On the Account Details tab you can change your password for logging in.
  • Under Payment Methods you can add or delete your credit card details.
  • Under the Orders tab you can view and download a copy invoice.
  • If you wish to Renew your lapsed/cancelled subscription you can use the Orders tab by clicking View on the last invoice for the subscription (usually £358.80 in vat) and then click on the Related Subscriptions view tab, and then hit Renew now button.
  • Also on the orders tab you can cancel your Auto Renew as follows:
  • Click on View the latest invoice.
  • Scroll down to Related Subscriptions
  • Click View on the next subscription listed (if any).
  • A few lines down on this page locate the black Auto Renew button (always set to on).
  • Switch off this button off (shows a grey colour) and the Payment text below will read:  Via Manual Renewal.  You are now set to NOT auto renew.
  • On this page you can also Suspend, Cancel, Change Payment details or renew your subscription.

Renewal Instructions

  • Click on orders (third from left on menu).
  • On the latest order for your Diamond subscription click View under the Actions column.
  • On the nest page under Related Subscriptions you will see the next order due for payment – click View.
  • On the next page you will see that your payment is noted as:  Via Manual Renewal and you can click the Renew Now in Grey and complete. your order on the next page.
  • If ever you want to change to auto renew/manual renew you can turn the Auto Renew button on and off.

Lapsed Renewals

If your subscription has had a break and you now want to renew please go to:

Without being signed in, hit the Add A Listing blue tab at top right hand of page.

At the bottom of the next page hit the blue button Buy Package.

On the next payment page hit the tab at the top of this page: Returning customer? Click here to login.

Sign in as normal using your username and password.

Complete payment and then you will have to load your publications again as they are no longer visible on the system.

If you already signed in, go to Diamond Club from the header menu and click tab Pricing – BUY HERE.

Renewal Instructions

  • Click on orders (third from left on menu).
  • On the latest order for your Diamond subscription click View under the Actions column.
  • On the nest page under Related Subscriptions you will see the next order due for payment – click View.
  • On the next page you will see that your payment is noted as:  Via Manual Renewal and you can click the Renew Now in Grey and complete. your order on the next page.
  • If ever you want to change to auto renew/manual renew you can turn the Auto Renew button on and off.

Purchasing Your Membership & Displaying Your Publications

Media buyers will be able to view your publications from this landing page and not be able to see any other tabs: 

Print Media Publishers for National Buyers | MAG WORLD ASSOCIATION

Process of signing up and displaying your publications.

    • At the bottom of the page there are 2 packages available for 12 months subscription and a 4 months subscription.
    • The system will automatically subscribe you to a every 4/12 months package and you will get a notification well in advance and off course can cancel if you wish to.
    • If you wish to turn off the auto renewal now please see notes above under heading: Managing My Account.
    • Once paid, sign in the go to Members Area tab at top of page and you will find all resources inc Magazine Content.
    • When signed in go to your signed in name menu at top right of page and click Listings and then click the green button that says Add A Listing.
    • Here you can load up one mag at a time and this will appear on this page once i authorise
    • Complete your company page details and then your first magazine details.
    • Ensure you answer all mandatory questions, some are optional.
    • Once fully complete, preview your submission.
    • Check and confirm your submission.
    • You will receive confirmation and a VAT invoice via email.
    • You will receive an email to set up your password (check spam folders please).
    • You will be able to sign in and change your password if required.

    To upload further magazines please see the following:

  • Sign in using your username and password.
  • Click on My Listings on the menu under your username.
  • Click the green Add New Listing button.
  • On the next page click on Use Available Package at bottom of page in blue.
  • Add company details again (this allows you to select a new google map location relevant to each magazine).
  • Add your second magazine details.
  • Repeat this process until all your magazine are uploaded.

Tips for uploading information:

When completing the Location field under Company Information, use your office address if the first magazine you are loading is in that area.

For any other magazines simply use the town or village as the Google indicator on the Location map e.g. Berkhamsted UK, Tring UK, Wendover UK etc.
Use the digital links to the flipbook pages of your magazine so potential media buyers can find you.
You only need to upload a sample for your display, you do not need to change it monthly.
Ensure your head office number is in the contact number field as this is the number that will be visible to potential media buyers.
You will need to have a cover image for your thumbnail display for each magazine, make this as inviting as possible.

If you are unsure about anything please call us on 01494 509 399 or email