
What Our Publishers Say

The Link Magazines

“I cannot recommend Raj enough to anyone wanting to grow their business. He is a shrewd businessman, very personable and a great motivator. His business acumen is shared with infectious warmth and passion. I want to thank him for all your help over the years with our magazines, which has been invaluable. What he offers is fantastic and so many benefit from his expertise and motivation.”

Paul Smith

The Link Magazines

Thank you again and keep doing what you do it is really appreciated


The Connection Magazine

Fantastic course. I’ve watched sales courses before but this is obviously specific to our business so is hugely helpful in helping layout a plan. It can also be tailored to any size of magazine which is great.

Link Magazines

Morning Raj

You more than deserve the accolade and I don’t mind at all you using it as a testimonial.

I’ve worked my backside off but you focused me on costs and profits, and it’s working!  Still more to do next year, but hopefully costs will have stabilised a bit and things might not be so up and down.

Link Magazines

I’m feeling really proud tonight. Year end on the 28th and I’ve had my largest turnover ever, up by £60K. Net profit is up by over £20K. Still got some costs to look at but I just wanted to say huge thanks to Raj for his tough love and everyone on here for giving me the courage to push forward a good price increase, and to reduce paper weight – it’s made a huge difference and nobody at all has commented negatively.

Wendy Carter

Skircoat Green Directory

Wow, Diamond Member, didn’t know there was such a a level, thanks Raj. The association is a life line, really appreciate your presence and support.

Liz Kenny

The CM Connection

Thank you Raj for organising   and thanks too, to the speakers. Had a lovely time catching up with people – familiar faces and new! I’ve taken away a few things that I want to try and it’s inspired a few new ideas too. Us publishers rock don’t we!

Lorraine Perry

The Link Magazines Cheshire Ltd

Thank you to Raj for a fab conference. It was my first one and definitely not my last. You all made me feel so welcome and it was lovely getting to know you all and to catch up with the ones I haven’t seen for over 10 years. The talks were very useful and very inspirational. Proud to be in this business and to still be going all these years on.

Thank you x Marianne Ladley

Life In Magazine

Thank you Raj, Nisha & Mason. A thoroughly enjoyable conference! It was my first but won’t be my last. To those I met for the first time – thank you for making me feel so welcome and for sharing your tips & wisdom.  So many wonderful magazines to read – I’m going to be busy for a while!

Lauretta Wright

What's On! Magazines

The conference was great… very thorough, well thought out and informative as usual! Keep up the good work!  The monthly conferences are great and so is the website.  You’re our office icon here.  When working through decisions we always ask… “What would Raj do?” or “Well, you know what Raj would do…!”.  You’re part of our team!

Thanks Jane

Halifax & Skircoat Green Directory

Whilst I enjoy the flexibility of being self-employed and the creativity of making the magazines each month, I have often felt quite alone in my work. The Mag World Association and platforms allow me to feel part of the community; I enjoy hearing about other people’s experiences in this world of print and feel the benefit of mutual support given in a non-competitive manner.  Many thanks to Raj, the team and the MW members.

Liz Kenny

Red Rose Directories

Just wanted to say a big Thank You! to Raj Nagji for the excellent training he delivered to my team today.

It was an amazing session and they each got some really great nuggets they can use going forward.

Those who have a team like myself can obviously do our own training, but it’s so good to let someone else add a new dimension to what we already do. Or, if you work by yourself, a refresher gives you chance to drill down and refocus.

Definitely recommended!!

Carole – Red Rose Directories

Your Elmbridge Magazine

Hi Raj

I hope you are well. I just wanted to send reader feedback for one of your articles I used this month –

“Have just read the latest edition of your magazine, and I wanted to say how much I enjoyed the article by Joanna Ashbourn on starlings. These birds are so often regarded as “just starlings” but, like her, I find them fascinating to watch and when seen in good light, they are spectacularly colourful.

Please pass on my thanks for such a splendid and entertaining article.”

Many thanks!


Word Gets Around Magazines

Last week we signed up for the Mag World Gold Package following the conference last week. This morning we had a consultancy session with Raj.

Wow! Both are truly invaluable investments. Loads of value, support, knowledge, and ideas. We have big plans for growing our business and Raj’s experience and information, and in keeping us accountable we ensure we grow.

If you haven’t signed up for packages already then it’s a no-brainer. Features, resources, content, discounts on conferences and so much more.

A £30 a month investment in fueling your magazine business is nothing when you consider you normally might spend more than that fuel on in your car or those takeaway coffees.

We will be adding value where we can to this group and are happy to help where we can.

Hopefully, sometime soon we can all meet in person at a conference and raise a glass to our successes.

Paul & Clive Smith

Connection Magazines

Raj thank you for your support to everyone in this last year, it has certainly made a big difference to me, and I’m sure, everyone else.

Trevor Arnold

Your Elmbridge Magazine

Hi Raj

Really good meeting today, thank you. You are always full of useful nuggets!! Glad I have signed up!

I’ve set myself some goals/to-dos for the next few weeks and in some ways, I think the shorter more regular conferences will be more effective for me as I can spread working on the points coming out of them more easily!

All the best


INSIDE Magazines Ltd

“Hi Raj

Happy New Year.

I just wanted to say a massive thank you for the Mag World site you’ve set up. I joined yesterday and have been looking through the resources. It’s absolutely brilliant, just the kick up the bum I need to shake things up a bit. I am extremely fortunate most of the business is inbound but I’m hoping to sell/retire/take a back seat within the next few years so I need to get things in shape for that these resources will be so useful.

So, thanks again, you’re an absolute star.  Very best wishes to you and the family”

Claire Hawker

Editor – INSIDE Magazines Ltd

Barnsley Today

“I joined Mag World in February 2024 after I’d been searching around for some alternative editorial content that would also have a potential sales attraction to prospective advertisers. I spotted an editorial piece about Solar Panels that was in the content section and once I showed this to one of my clients, they instantly re-booked their advertisements with me in both of my publications for a three-month period. Prior to this happening the client was ‘wavering’ a little on whether or not to have a small break in his marketing, but the article from the Mag World content section proved to be the deal-breaker so to speak.

“Thanks again Raj and keep up the hard work.”

Peter Holmes

Word Gets Around - Taunton

‘Twas brilliant to be in the same room as everyone. Really had a good time, learnt new stuff and was reminded about things I knew but hadn’t put into practice. I’ve now got my head down for deadline and full of inspiration.

Becky Beach

SE Magazines Ltd

A huge thank you to Raj & Mason for putting on such a fab conference. It’s been wonderful to share and learn from everyone. Great to see some new faces but especially lovely to catch up with some familiar ones too! And I got to do all this with my sister Emma. Can’t wait for the next one.

Angela Burgess

Discover Magazines

Applause Raj…Great to get together and share so much interesting stuff…Keep them going! I’ve already enacted some of the suggestions from the day. Thank you!

Melanie Tinson

Word Gets Around Magazines

The Mag World Conference was fantastic. It was wonderful to meet fellow magazine business owners from across the country and share ideas. It felt like one big family. We took loads of value away from the day and the speakers were insightful and gave you lots to think about. Raj has nurtured a magic formula, and we can’t wait for the next one

Paul Smith

The Effective Directories

I can highly recommend subscribing to the Gold Membership on The Mag World Association I managed to sell 4 x full-page adverts from using two of the content articles for my April editions and already covered the yearly subscription cost! Huge thanks to Raj and his Team!


Wooton Directory

Just wanted to say how pleased I am that I took out a Gold Membership to Mag World and how it is proving to be of real value already.  There is so much useful information, as well as the content that is available to use. Genius idea, Raj – Thank you!

Janice Baber

NG Magazines

Hi Raj

Just had a quick look and it looks brilliant now ????

The conference was great last week, very informative and thought-provoking,  as always. It was lovely to connect with everyone again.

I hope you are all well

Thanks, Cat Hedges

Your Local Dragon Directories

Yes I want to make a habit of joining the meeting each month.

There were a few things that you and other people on the call said that I found really helpful and afterwards I realised I also felt uplifted due to the general atmosphere of the meeting..

Kind regards, Andrea

Red Rose Directories

Love Mag World Raj! Been a good help getting us to print today. We used the editor’s page and a couple of editorials. As you know, we don’t plan editorial in – but we do need fillers when we have a couple of pages free and I found two great ones so thank you! Xx
Carole Aldred – Red Rose Magazines

The Villages Book

Life Magazines

“Hi Raj,

This is fantastic. This year has shown more than anything how vital the support of other publishers is both in sharing knowledge and contacts but also in just helping each other out and having each other’s back. I’ve signed up for the gold package and added Ashby Life. I can’t see how to add my other mags but I’m in no rush as I’m signing off for Xmas today and will sort it out another day. I just didn’t want to miss the early bird package.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and here’s to a much better New Year!”

Vanessa Preece, Life Magazines

Cariads Local Ltd

Mag World

Uniting independent magazine publishers, Mag World Association was established in 2016. Our mantra is focused on customer centricity by driving business efficiency, automation and best practices. Join us to see how we can help make a difference in your Mag World.